When straight men dictate your healthcare

A lot of Americans have no idea what PrEP does for the LGBTQA community. Officially known as Truvada, PrEP taken everyday increases your prevention of contracting HIV by 99%. However, this drug that has helped stunt an epidemic that killed more than 39 million people. The drug costs more than $1,500 a month, or $18,000 a year. and the real tragedy is that it only costs $6 a bottle to manufacture. Of course it is no surprise to the average American that the pharmaceutical industry has a history of marking up pills astronomically . Sadly, this means that only privileged individuals can afford it, or it is an extreme burden on others.

Today I was informed my father’s firm will be suspending my prescription of PrEP because any medications over $1,000 raise premiums for everyone. When asked if all medications over $1,000 were being suspended, I was told that my medication is a “life-style choice” and that the firm doesn’t view the medication as life threatening. So several straight white men decided what was appropriate for my healthcare. Of course this is no shock as congress is mostly straight white men who are the ones who are deciding what women can do with their bodies and other things that don’t effect them. When did taking care of your body become a life-style choice? Even in 2019, gay health is not a priority.

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